Friday 27 September 2013

Photos from Tom and Emman's wedding day

All the photos are now uploaded on to our password protected site for all friends and family to view
just follow this link  and insert the password-  enjoy

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Tom and Emman wedding in Laugharne

Is there a doctor in the House, Well, yes in fact there where over 30 doctors present to witness Tom and Emmans wedding at The Corran Hotel, South Wales.
The Corran Resort & Spa offers a taste of luxury, hidden in the marshlands of the Carmarthenshire countryside..
Surrounded by sea, the Towy estuary and acres of Marshland, The Corran is steeped in history with the original 16th century building at the heart of this  beautiful corner of Carmarthenshire with its rich history and sandy beaches.

It put it simply it was a photographers dream, a  hotel with amazing features, and stunning views, a perfect wedding venue
Tom and Emman are looking through the images at the moment and as soon as they give the o k we can release then for all family and friends to view.
Watch this space